Wednesday, June 16, 2010

shiver me timbers

So it's another steamy day in Washington D.C. On my metro ride home this evening I was extremely exhausted. Why, you ask? Oh because I spent 3 hours at the glorious Arlington Urgent Care last night so the doctor could spend 5 minutes telling me I had a sinus infection that I was aware of a week ago. at 11pm  the Doc finally writes me a prescription for antibiotics, which I also knew I needed a week ago. Her receptionist then gives me some ass backwards directions to the only 24 hour pharmacy in Arlington. I'm thinking to myself- this can't take too long to get a prescription filled at one will be there...BOY was I wrong.

I walk inside the CVS on Lee Hwy and the entire Pharmacy section is going under an extreme renovation. There are 400 pound plumbers cracks EVERYWHERE. I had never seen these type of people in Arlington and immediately started having flashbacks to my hometown. Apparently they only let these people come out after midnight around these parts.These guys were ripping up carpet, chainsawing medal shelving, all while finding loose pills all over the floor of the pharmacy AND threatening to take them. oooo Yeah! Did I mention they all had about 10 teeth in their head?? Yeah-awesome way to spend a Monday night, right?  Chillin with Americas Most Wanted at the CVS. Sweet.

The employees of this pharmacy are all in a tizzy because they're still open during these remodeling conditions. It is a bit hectic....but guess who doesn't give a damn? THIS GINGER. I am cranky, sick, and hungry because my dinner consisted of Cheeze-its from the Urgent Care vending machine....and not to mention its getting close to midnight and I'm not in the mood to deal with this bullshit. I give the man my prescription and go get a snickers bar because if I don't eat something I may go postal on these pharmacy employees. I thought this wouldn't take too long- boy I was wrong! This place was an F-ing circus. The sound of medal being sawed in the background almost made me crack. The only thing keeping me sane was the fact that I need this medicine so I didn't look like I was full of mucus at my bff's wedding this Saturday. Also, the other people getting their prescriptions filled at midnight are also extreme creepers. Most of them were either high or drunk or both. By the time I get home its midnight and my apartment is hot as hell (see previous post for horrendous a.c. issues.) I pass out, wake up and barley make it to work on time after 6 hours of sleep.

Needless to say I'm exhausted by the time I get off work this afternoon. I hop on the musky metro for my return home. I'm tired, but I realize I haven't posted to this blog in a while so I'm on the look out for creepers...And whadaya know??? I see a man with a....


This guy didn't look as cool as the above pic, but he did amaze me. He came complete with cowboy hat and plastic flower pinned to his suite. I hoped to see the flower shoot water in some passerby's eye, but no such luck. Why you ask do I not have a picture of this D.C. pirate? Well I'm a pretty ballsy ginger but I'm not about to F with someone with a hook. I didn't want him make me walk the plank.....aka the metro platform. ARRGGHHH! His hook hand was his left hand so I figured he was probably right handed and barely noticed the other one missing. I wondered if he slept with that thing? I'm pretty sure I would poke my eyeball out in the middle of the night, so I doubt it.

Well that's all for now my minions....Also, if you enjoy this here bloggy blog, please click this little FOLLOW button here to the right. I like pimping out my followers. THANKS!!!

Also, check out this blog if you hate D.C. metro

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